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Our Guiding Principles:
The Cabin and the Lodge are underpinned by a set of Guiding Principles. These principles inform our policies and practice, and everyday culture of being together in community. Below you can see a brief summary of each principle, to learn more about it, just click the title: 
Listening to your self, and exploring the world in the way that is meaningful to you and your own sense of curiosity and purpose. Being able to choose what, when and how you want to learn and do things, based on what feels right to you. 
Understanding your own agency and autonomy, and the freedom and boundaries that come with that. Being able to say an authentic yes, no or maybe, and respecting the boundaries and consent of others. 
Anything can be potentially interesting and meaningful . Curiosity, problem solving and learning doesn't have to be limited to subject silos or traditional value judgments about what is important to learn about and what isn't.  
Young people should have the chance to influence and co-create decisions and solutions that affect them. We can understand and manage risk together, and conflict can be navigated in an open and honest way. 
People under 18 have human rights. Experiencing that all starts in the way that we are treated in childhood, and the way we learn to be with and treat others and our environment. â€‹
The Meetings:
In order to bring our Guiding Principles to life, they need to be embodied by the Facilitators, and modelled to and by the community. They are also brought to life through the meetings. The meeting happens at the beginning and end of each day. Each meeting is chaired by a member of the community who has done the Chair training (anyone that wants to can train to be a Chair). 
The opening meeting starts with a reminder of the rules of the meeting, which are the agreements we have made to help the Chair be able to do their job and for the meeting to run well for everyone. Then there is a Check-in, where each person has the chance to share how they are doing that day, their news, things that they might be looking forward to (you can pass if you don't want to Check In). Then there is the Hands and Plans section, where we share the plans for the day, and make any changes to the plan that we need. We also use this part of the meeting to solve problems and make decisions together, and make risk management agreements if we need them. 
In the closing meeting we remind ourselves of the rules again, then have a Check Out (how was your day?), and the Hands and Plans section is used to hear what people want to do next time, and create the next plan. You can watch the video above to see our meeting in action and hear more about it!
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